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Activation of Cotyledon as Nutrients and Antioxidant Enhancer in Oryza sativa, Dioscorea bulbifera and Phaseolus vulgaris for Food Formulation

Received: 28 December 2021     Accepted: 18 February 2022     Published: 28 February 2022
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The impact of cotyledon activation on brown rice Rice (Oryza sativa), Aerial yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) and black turtle bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) was studied. Composite flours were prepared using cotyledon activated brown rice (GBR), aerial yam (AYF) and black turtle bean (GTB). The ratio of GBR: AYF: GTB used in the flour formulations were: 100GBR: 0AYF: 0GTB; 0GBR: 100AYF: 0GTB; 0GBR: 0AYF: 100GTB; 33.33GBR: 33.33AYF: 33.33GTB; 66.67GBR: 16.67AYF: 16.67GTB, 16.67GBR: 66.67AYF: 16.67GTB and 16.67GBR: 16.67AYF: 66.67GTB. Proximate composition, functional properties, antinutrients, minerals, vitamins, amino acid profile and antioxidant activity of the composite flours were determined using standard procedures. Protein efficiency ratio, essential amino acid index and biological value were calculated from the amino acid profile. Results showed ash content (2.72-3.20%), fibre (2.12-2.42%), protein (13.23-39.31%), tannin (0.973-1.120mg/100g), saponin (1.95-2.44 mg/g), oxalate (2.50-3.38mg/g), water absorption capacity (107.71–190.23%), oil absorption capacity (145.30-296.70%), water solubility index (16.05-17.78%), swelling capacity (230.10-250.50%), calcium (36.64-40.62mg/100g), phosphorus (84.84-88.93mg/100g), manganese (0.46-0.57mg/100g), magnesium (1741.20-1823.20mg/100g), vitamin B1 (2.75-4.06mg/100g, B2 (2.01-2.78 mg/100g, B3 (2.20-4.83mg/100g), B6 (2.63-3.98mg/100g) B12 (1.59-5.95mg/100g), essential amino acid index (70-99%), protein efficiency ratio (1.95–3.79), and biological value (70-96%). Nutrients and antioxidant properties were improved through the cotyledon activation process, level of antinutrients were safe and below toxicity level. The composite flour is invaluable as functional ingredient in food formulation.

Published in Science Development (Volume 3, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.scidev.20220301.15
Page(s) 31-45
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Science Publishing Group


Cotyledon Activation, Nutritional, Antioxidants, Amino Acid, Brown Rice, Aerial Yam, Black Turtle Bean

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  • APA Style

    Judith Uchenna Chima, Folusho Morenike David-Abraham, Laura Chioma Okpala. (2022). Activation of Cotyledon as Nutrients and Antioxidant Enhancer in Oryza sativa, Dioscorea bulbifera and Phaseolus vulgaris for Food Formulation. Science Development, 3(1), 31-45. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.scidev.20220301.15

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    ACS Style

    Judith Uchenna Chima; Folusho Morenike David-Abraham; Laura Chioma Okpala. Activation of Cotyledon as Nutrients and Antioxidant Enhancer in Oryza sativa, Dioscorea bulbifera and Phaseolus vulgaris for Food Formulation. Sci. Dev. 2022, 3(1), 31-45. doi: 10.11648/j.scidev.20220301.15

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    AMA Style

    Judith Uchenna Chima, Folusho Morenike David-Abraham, Laura Chioma Okpala. Activation of Cotyledon as Nutrients and Antioxidant Enhancer in Oryza sativa, Dioscorea bulbifera and Phaseolus vulgaris for Food Formulation. Sci Dev. 2022;3(1):31-45. doi: 10.11648/j.scidev.20220301.15

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      url = {https://doi.org/10.11648/j.scidev.20220301.15},
      eprint = {https://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.scidev.20220301.15},
      abstract = {The impact of cotyledon activation on brown rice Rice (Oryza sativa), Aerial yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) and black turtle bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) was studied. Composite flours were prepared using cotyledon activated brown rice (GBR), aerial yam (AYF) and black turtle bean (GTB). The ratio of GBR: AYF: GTB used in the flour formulations were: 100GBR: 0AYF: 0GTB; 0GBR: 100AYF: 0GTB; 0GBR: 0AYF: 100GTB; 33.33GBR: 33.33AYF: 33.33GTB; 66.67GBR: 16.67AYF: 16.67GTB, 16.67GBR: 66.67AYF: 16.67GTB and 16.67GBR: 16.67AYF: 66.67GTB. Proximate composition, functional properties, antinutrients, minerals, vitamins, amino acid profile and antioxidant activity of the composite flours were determined using standard procedures. Protein efficiency ratio, essential amino acid index and biological value were calculated from the amino acid profile. Results showed ash content (2.72-3.20%), fibre (2.12-2.42%), protein (13.23-39.31%), tannin (0.973-1.120mg/100g), saponin (1.95-2.44 mg/g), oxalate (2.50-3.38mg/g), water absorption capacity (107.71–190.23%), oil absorption capacity (145.30-296.70%), water solubility index (16.05-17.78%), swelling capacity (230.10-250.50%), calcium (36.64-40.62mg/100g), phosphorus (84.84-88.93mg/100g), manganese (0.46-0.57mg/100g), magnesium (1741.20-1823.20mg/100g), vitamin B1 (2.75-4.06mg/100g, B2 (2.01-2.78 mg/100g, B3 (2.20-4.83mg/100g), B6 (2.63-3.98mg/100g) B12 (1.59-5.95mg/100g), essential amino acid index (70-99%), protein efficiency ratio (1.95–3.79), and biological value (70-96%). Nutrients and antioxidant properties were improved through the cotyledon activation process, level of antinutrients were safe and below toxicity level. The composite flour is invaluable as functional ingredient in food formulation.},
     year = {2022}

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Activation of Cotyledon as Nutrients and Antioxidant Enhancer in Oryza sativa, Dioscorea bulbifera and Phaseolus vulgaris for Food Formulation
    AU  - Judith Uchenna Chima
    AU  - Folusho Morenike David-Abraham
    AU  - Laura Chioma Okpala
    Y1  - 2022/02/28
    PY  - 2022
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.scidev.20220301.15
    DO  - 10.11648/j.scidev.20220301.15
    T2  - Science Development
    JF  - Science Development
    JO  - Science Development
    SP  - 31
    EP  - 45
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2994-7154
    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.scidev.20220301.15
    AB  - The impact of cotyledon activation on brown rice Rice (Oryza sativa), Aerial yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) and black turtle bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) was studied. Composite flours were prepared using cotyledon activated brown rice (GBR), aerial yam (AYF) and black turtle bean (GTB). The ratio of GBR: AYF: GTB used in the flour formulations were: 100GBR: 0AYF: 0GTB; 0GBR: 100AYF: 0GTB; 0GBR: 0AYF: 100GTB; 33.33GBR: 33.33AYF: 33.33GTB; 66.67GBR: 16.67AYF: 16.67GTB, 16.67GBR: 66.67AYF: 16.67GTB and 16.67GBR: 16.67AYF: 66.67GTB. Proximate composition, functional properties, antinutrients, minerals, vitamins, amino acid profile and antioxidant activity of the composite flours were determined using standard procedures. Protein efficiency ratio, essential amino acid index and biological value were calculated from the amino acid profile. Results showed ash content (2.72-3.20%), fibre (2.12-2.42%), protein (13.23-39.31%), tannin (0.973-1.120mg/100g), saponin (1.95-2.44 mg/g), oxalate (2.50-3.38mg/g), water absorption capacity (107.71–190.23%), oil absorption capacity (145.30-296.70%), water solubility index (16.05-17.78%), swelling capacity (230.10-250.50%), calcium (36.64-40.62mg/100g), phosphorus (84.84-88.93mg/100g), manganese (0.46-0.57mg/100g), magnesium (1741.20-1823.20mg/100g), vitamin B1 (2.75-4.06mg/100g, B2 (2.01-2.78 mg/100g, B3 (2.20-4.83mg/100g), B6 (2.63-3.98mg/100g) B12 (1.59-5.95mg/100g), essential amino acid index (70-99%), protein efficiency ratio (1.95–3.79), and biological value (70-96%). Nutrients and antioxidant properties were improved through the cotyledon activation process, level of antinutrients were safe and below toxicity level. The composite flour is invaluable as functional ingredient in food formulation.
    VL  - 3
    IS  - 1
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Food Technology, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Unwana, Unwana, Nigeria

  • Department of Food Science and Technology, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria

  • Department of Food Science and Technology, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria

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